Spider-Man 's ability seems to be how ? Shook his head, Zhao does not think this thing, anyway, the space has been bizarre enough, what strange things happen is not surprising, say, the space itself is Spider-Man 's armor exists now to on cheap uggs jersey plus the ability to Spider-Man is also not surprising. Zhao looked down at the elf bow, bow ugg sale would like to see the wizard is what kind of spirit, then you see the flashing green elf bow, then slowly floated a figure out of the shadows with the dwarves the hammer is the spirit, the spirit of bloody orcs is not the same, this figure appeared, turned out to be lying, and so full of her stature emerged, she was a yawn, and then slowly sat, like a person, like just woke up.
Zhao Ling is looked at, this one for Zhao bowed: green vine seen the owner. Zhao Ling looked at the device and said: You called green vine ? Device spirit nodded and said: Yes master, I'm green vine. Zhao nodded his head and said : Master told me later on the line, you are what material ? How with a hammer and bloody material does not seem to like ? Ling is a slight chuckle : Master back then, bloody and hammers are making here in the ark out of the mainland, but the owner ugg outlet strength reached the level of God, went to the spirit world after ugg sale became the artifact, and I is in the spirit world are making out, the prepared materials used are also material to the spirit world, it is not the same with the hammer and bloody.
The thought then,ugg sale, Zhao sudden heart of a dynamic, green vine is in the spirit world are making out, let it look Zhao got so many benefits, it shows the spirit world, where there are a lot of good things is the continent 's Ark not here ? If so, then have the opportunity to go to the spirit world can see. Now the space where you want to upgrade the continent 's Ark fear is not easy, and the last several upgrades in addition to a weird lotus, almost mythical two circles are related to a relationship, it seems that in the future you want to upgrade, only to mythical two circles before it.